Hence I was down at LaSalle College to settle the school fees. Brought my mother along. She was rather freaked out when she got into the campus because it was such a heavily-designed place. Plus a large part of the building still had supporting beams and there were A LOT OF construction workers.
After settling the school fees thing, the receptionist very casually said, "Then you'll need to go for your photo-taking also,"
Jolted, I asked, "For the student pass is it? When? Like now?" My heart raced.
"Yes, later lor,"
I stared at her wide-eyed, incredulous. I WAS FUCKING WEARING A CAP!
"Today's not really a good time leh. How 'bout tomorrow?"
"No, today is the last day. Tomorrow is for the international students only. Nevermind lah, you just have to take off your cap only what,"
(nervous laughter) "Er, you see, the reason I wear a cap is so that I won't have to style my hair! I cannot do the photo today!"
I even choked on my words. I was freaking out.
"Oh, like bad hair day?!" (turns to colleague, laughs)
It was a laugh that implied, "What the fuck? Bad hair day? Guys CAN'T have bad hair days!"
"Yeah, bad hair day..." (laughs along)
"Okay, I really cannot do the photo now. How 'bout I come back again? I could go for a hair cut or something. What time do you all close?"
"We close at 5.00PM actually,"
"Okay, I'll get my hair cut then,"
I called up It's Hairy to make an appointment at 3.00PM. Reached Far East Plaza at 3.10PM. Then I specifically told Noreen my hairstylist that I had a photo-taking session, so I needed a hair cut. But then I forgot to tell her that I needed to be back at LaSalle by 5.00PM, because she was so meticulous when she was cutting my hair.
I'm quite particular about my hair cut. I'm kinda paranoid that she would thin my hair too much. She thinned it a total of 3 times, being very meticulous and subtle each time. She would ask me what I thought of the degree of thinning after each time.
And then it was 4.20PM. I took a cab down to LaSalle.
The poor taxi driver had no idea where LaSalle was. I just told him Sim Lim Square. Then he asked me to help him check the Street Directory for him. I found the map in a jiffy and showed it to him.
But then he still wasn't too clear of the directions. Ended up I alighted at Burlington Square. There was this woman who wanted to board the taxi. She was quite young, but so KAN CHIONG FOR WHAT?! Cannot wait for me to get off first meh? She was standing so close the door as though someone was gonna steal it from her.
It's a popular belief that the self portraits on student cards do not serve justice to the students. Today, actually every time I have to take an ID shot, I refute that belief.
I also specifically told the receptionist that I want the photo on my card to look good, because it's 'all about packaging'.
So when it was my turn to take the photo, I made sure my hair was in place, and made sure I smiled nicely. I asked the guy, "Is my hair okay?" He said, "Yes, it's great,"
A couple of shots in, he told me to remove my glasses. Gasp! He said my glasses kinda shrouds the eyes and that interferes with the ID photo regulations.
So for the first time, I took a proper photo without my spectacles. I smiled and the guy got so excited, he said, "That's a good one, hold it there, don't move."
"Okay, we got it."
"So can I see it?" I was very kan chiong.
"Can, but even if you don't like also cannot change already,"
I thought it kinda looked okay lah. We'll see how the card turns out eventually.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Hair Cut and 'Photo Shoot'
9:13 PM
The Taxi Driver
Today (meaning Monday), we went to catch 'Knocked Up' at Eng Wah Suntec.
I'm really not in the mood to do a review on it. I'll just keep it brief.
The movie plot is very thorough and very complete. Full of ups and downs. I find it very appeasing.
We finished the movie around midnight. Leila, Jana and I then hopped on a cab, hoping to zoom on home.
Or so we thought.
In the cab, we were talking. Then we talked some more because we didn't talk much before the movie.
Then we continued to talk even more because we didn't really talk during the movie.
Moving on, it was more talking because it wasn't really conducive to talk and walk at the same time after the movie.
Jana said she was hungry. I said I was kinda hungry too. Jana asked if there were any good places to eat around my neighbourhood.
And then we talked some more because we haven't really got together over the weekend.
After which, I blurted out 'Simpang Bedok!'
After all the spicy food, I was kinda bloated.
Leila got a little concerned about the availability of taxis. Obviously, her concerns were shortlived because this taxi immediately appeared when we needed it.
Welcome aboard on The Taxi Driver's taxi.
This uncle was kinda friendly, jovially joked in conjunction with our conversation. After a while, he just reduced to being irritating. Kept acting blur regarding the driving directions. Funny the first time, not funny the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth time!
He was definitely a little wacky. Luckily I got off the cab first. Jana was lucky number last!
So she hollered at me on MSN to tell me about The Taxi Driver lor.
At least now I know that The Taxi Driver is indeed creepy.
It's the end of the month. My pay was supposed to be banked in on the 28th. But 28th being a Saturday, we were kinda hoping they would bank in the pay on Friday.
It was fat hope on our own accord.
Okay fine, we're all patient and understanding people. There is no harm getting our pay on Monday the 30th.
Sunday night:
Thinking that I was gonna be rich the next day, my mind began to race! All the things I could buy!
IDN magazine, design journal, book, T-shirt, leather belt, Freitag bag, Freitag bag, Freitag bag, straw hat, leather cuff, digital camera, shoes, vest, cowboy boots, handphone, Freitag bag, Freitag bag, Freitag bag.
Yup, I wished I earned that much too.
I also planned to get a hair-cut. But things obviously didn't go according to plan, so I postponed my hair-cut lor. Luckily with a bit of styling magic, it didn't look too bad.
Yesterday, however, my hair was being a bitch, refusing to be styled properly. I had such a tough time!
On Monday, I checked my account balance at:
1. 2.30PM
2. 4.00PM
3. 4.40PM
4. 7.00PM
5. 12.00MN
6. 12.30AM
I was thinking, since I'm so patient, HOW MUCH IS WAITING ONE MORE DAY GOING TO HURT?!
2:20 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Being Civil Doesn't Always Help
Confrontation is basically the worst thing that can happen to me.
Usually I try to be civil. I don't see a need to shout and rant. One party shouts, the other follows and both parties start screaming the heads off and nothing gets resolved.
I believe in being civil. If during a confrontation I get screamed at, I will remain calm and maintain a civil tone of voice. Things always work out if we all just keep calm and think with a clear head.
But plain believing is useless if being civil, in reality, DOESN'T WORK.
Over the course of the last few months, I have had more confrontations than I could have asked for. It's amazing how I can still be well and about.
Anyways, for all these confrontations, I have tried my very best to be civil. It's also amazing how much patience I have. I can proudly say that not once have I lost it in any confrontations. I take much pride that I can keep my cool.
But it's extremely depressing to know that despite raising patience levels and maintaing civil tones, nothing is really achieved at the end.
Try as I might, it was a futile attempt in making the other party civil. Hence, as they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
I was desperate and bewildered. I truly lost my foothold. I think being civil all the time subconsciously snowballed pent-up frustrations. It was like a caged beast set free. I feel so bad just thinking about it. I was screeching my lungs out and bawling my eyes out. Not quite a scene to behold.
In fact, I'm quite ashamed of myself for losing my cool BIG TIME. Recovery was quite fast, though I have to admit that it was very tough!
A couple of days of 'cooling period' after this ugly display of behaviour, the strangest thing happened.
11:17 PM
The Interview
On Thursday, I finalized on my portfolio design and layout. Went down to Bras Basah Complex to get it printed.
Kalis asked me, "Do you know of other print shops other than Bras Basah?"
Bras Basah Complex, or Shu Cheng(literally Book City), is kinda like the only place to get documents professionally printed. I mean, the place is filled with, well, books, and of course print shops.
I was there a while ago to get some screenprinting supplies from Art Friend. After getting my stuff, I was approached by a trio of secondary school kids from Dunman High School. Apparently, they were doing a general survey on Bras Basah Complex.
Basically, they asked what I thought of the place and whether air-conditioning the complex was necessary.
Personally, I LOVE Bras Basah Complex because it is NOT urbanised. I like the complex because it is old and ageing. The apparent signs of wear and tear simply reflects the richness of the place itself. Very vintage flavour to the place. And vintage is IN.
About air-conditioning the place, I'm a firm, "HELL NO!" The charming thing about Bras Basah Complex is that it an open-aired building. Practically everywhere you go, it's air-conditioning, air-conditioning and MORE air-conditioning. It's a relief to know that un-air-conditioned complexes still exist.
Nowadays, all the massive shopping malls LOOK and FEEL the same! It all started with Vivo City. Then the AMK Hub came along and looked like a wannabe Vivo City. Before AMK Hub, when you think of Ang Mo Kio, you'd never in ten lives expect a upmarket shopping mall! Then Suntec City jumped on the bandwagon, face-lifting the Galleria shopping sector. The boardings came off and voila! ANOTHER WANNABE VIVO CITY! Throw in the Gap boutiques and Gloria Jean's Coffee, and voila once more! A la Vivo City.
(But I have to say, this indoor musical fountain they erected in the Galleria of Suntec City is damned cool! Intelligent use of technology, lighting and sound. A truly mod piece of art.)
When asked about what could be done to improve Bras Basah Complex, I just said that they could change the escalators because they seem to always be down.
Then on Thursday when I was there, I saw this notice that they put up at the escalators, saying, "...change escalators...frequent breakdown due to old age...sorry for any inconvenience caused".
Elderly escalators! That's hot!
Anyways on Thursday, I also went to Art Friend to get a presentation folder for my portfolio. Spent S$83 on it! When it comes to building a personal portfolio, quality CANNOT be compromised. A designer's portfolio is his 'rice bowl'. I've learnt to respect my portfolio and protect it with all my life. In fact, it is good courtesy to treat a designer's portfolio with respect.
Then came Friday, the interview day. It was scheduled at 3.00PM. But I had to work the whole day on Friday too. So I got permission from my manager to MIA from work to go for my important interview.
I was kinda nervous in the morning, but was distracted from all troubles because I was working. I was the only poor lonely soul scheduled to work the morning shift at the Snack Bar. But thankfully, they kinda recruited a new staff and scheduled her for the morning shift too. Provided me with some company because the afternoon shift people would only have come at 2.00PM.
In the blink of an eye, it was 2.30PM. The afternoon shift people reported for duty and I realised I had to go for my interview!
From Suntec City to LaSalle College, I basically walked the whole way. Suntec City...Rochor Flyover...DHL Balloon...Bugis Junction...Bugis Street...OG Albert...Sim Lim Square...Burlington Square...LASALLE COLLEGE!
I walked for 20 minutes in a slight drizzle. When I reached the college. I was pretty much washed down a bit. I felt so icky because of all the perspiration MIXED WITH rainwater. Not exactly an ideal state for an interview. But thank goodness I was early, so I had time to freshen up in the toilet.
I loved the signs on the toilets! Too bad I don't have pictures of it.
Then I was brought to this reception area where I waited to be interviewed. I was rather a nervous wreck, but somehow managed to calm my nerves. The lady from the Academic Department said that the interview is basically about how you carry your ideas across. Communication skills. She said to be confident and it should not be a problem getting the spot. But she also warned that because the interviewers are lecturers, they might come across as a little strict.
I was barely a 10-minute wait before it was my turn.Turned out there were only 2 interviewers. I was nervous, but confident. Just kept on smiling! Whenever in doubt, JUST SMILE. It was kinda my proudest moment when I handed my portfolio for them to see. And I talked about treating portfolios with respect, but I didn't feel too much respect when only one of the lecturers looked through it.
But then again, I guess they were just acting anal because they WERE quite anal in their attitude. Not particularly friendly, but it would be unfair to say that they were nasty too. I thought I answered their questions pretty well because I very well know what I am striving for. Just that many a time, I found myself tongue-tied. I was furiously thinking on my feet that when the words came out of my mouth they just got all jumbled up.
When I told them that I read design books and design magazines, they IMMEDIATELY asked me what design magazines I read. I told them I read IDN and ish magazines. And they told me that I should probably move on to reading design journals and that 'there are many design magazines like HOW, Communication Design, etc out there'.
I thought it all ended quite well thought they REALLY didn't show any positive emotion. I had to pop the question to seal my fate:
They still continued being anal, refusing to give a solid 'yes' or 'no':
"Based on this interview and your portfolio, I would say that you are definitely ready for entry into Level 1. But of course they would have to process the application and all. The Academic Department will email you again, or you very kan chiong, can always call up and ask if you haven't heard anything for some time."
"Yes, Kang Yong. You've made it in. Welcome aboard!"
9:33 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Extremely Excited
I, for one, am extremely excited! For my portfolio interview is in two days' time!
But there must be so many other people who are NOT extremely excited like me because the launch of 'I'm Not A Plastic Bag' by Anya Hindmarch HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
The On Pedder stores in like Beijing and Jarkarta also had theirs cancelled. They're really damned scared of the human stampedes lah! The Hong Kong and Taiwan launches kinda churned out quite a number of casualties. Talk about being kiasu...
I think everyone is to some degree kiasu lor. Just that we as SGeans coined the term in Singlish. But seriously, will SGeans cause a stampede? I seriously do not think so. We may be kiasu, but it doesn't mean we're uncivilised.
Remember the Hello Kitty craze? Long queues at like 6.30AM! Those people are freaking outta their minds lah! But at least they queued up right?
Was there a stampede?
If you cannot remember, then to hell with you. I quote another example:
Reminds me of those fucking ant trails, which, by the way, ARE STILL THERE! The ant bait thingy is a total failure. I'll figure out something else.
SO, the queues at Donut Factory instantly remind me of ant trails. Cos those donuts are so damned sweet, ants will love them to bits! I was just thinking:
I place a Donut Factory donut on the kitchen floor. The ants will instantly come. They form a trail within minutes.
The first time I saw the queue at Raffles City, I immediately burst out laughing. Cos I think it's so ridiculous that people are wasting their time for donuts. I was incredulous that there were queue poles to split the queue so it doesn't obstruct traffic flow. I thought it was so kua zhang, but it was happening anyways.
You see, once again, a tamed and civilised (but ridiculous) queue. Stampede? Please lah! SGeans so scared gahmen, where got dare to stampede???
So if the Anya Hindmarch bag were to launch here, I'll be there to check out the civilised queue lor.
Let's go on to my main idea, which is my portfolio interview.
Over the last couple of days, I've been digging out all my documented works. Not that there's a lot; in fact there's quite little, so I had to dig into my photo archives to find stuff that were eligible to be in the portfolio.
I have also been designing the page layout, inserting all the images and adding captions. It's tough work, I tell you. But I think it's well worth it if it gets me into LaSalle.
It's been so long since I toughed it out for things that WERE WORTH IT. I feel gratified. I haven't felt gratified for a very long time too. I realised that whatever I do, it's important to always have the gratification at the end.
This interview will be my first ever interview WITH PORTFOLIO. I've never really had an official portfolio presentation. The one I had at NYP was so rushed and I didn't really get anything in the end (not gratifying).
This time round, I'm really putting my heart and soul in it. I NEED the spot in LaSalle. I realised that I haven't had much good work done over last year. I have mostly digital works, which I totally sucked at. But not to forget that I have some collages that are superb too!
They require at least 10 pieces of work. Somehow I'll churn out ten pieces.
But either way, THEY ARE GOING TO LOVE ME!
8:35 PM
Screwed Up View on Internet Explorer
All they layout just goes haywire. The navigation bar gets plonked all the way to the bottom of the page.
I can never understand all these web layout shit lah...
12:57 PM
Singaporean Language?
Last weekend, I was working at the box office.
Then came along this little Middle Eastern boy with very apparent Western influence. He's probably in SG on holiday with the family.
So he came up to my counter and asked,
"Is Harry Potter in English? Or is it in like, Singaporean language or something?"
I replied, "Yeah, it's in English,"
Then I just thought to myself, what the hell is Singaporean language? And then I just kinda laughed it off.
Singaporean Language = Singlish
(insert spoof video of a scene from Harry Potter DUBBED IN SINGLISH)
10:10 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
So Totally Cool!
Channel 5 is so going to play 'High School Musical'! And it's the 'sing-a-long' version!
OH MY GOD! That's like totally cool!
I mean like, you know, it's so totally like yeah! I'm like so totally, and I was like saying it's like so totally...
Like yeah, they're like so totally. I'm like whatever, but they're still like, you know, and he was like, and I was like, and we were all like SO TOTALLY!
Whatever! I mean, it's like, you know, totally whatever, but yeah! She's like totally, I'm like so totally. You so know, but she's like whatever.
SO, we were like all totally, and like yeah, so whatever. He's like whatever, I'm like whatever, but she was like totally yeah, uh huh. I mean like totally, it's like so whatever, what so totally.
Yeah! Like totally whatever. It's like so totally. I mean, you know, like, you know, whatever...
OH MY GOD! That's like totally cool!
7:13 PM
Building Portfolio
Over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I clocked 43 hours of work!
It wasn't too eventful, because I was too tired to go do anything at all after work. Plus it's the time of the month when I'm just flat broke.
Citibank releases Citi Clear Card, a credit card that requires NO minimum income. Fabulous news for all the just-touched-18-and-damned-proud-of-it kids! Tragic news for their parents, though!
Personally, if I had a credit card, I'd probably go wild, swiping and signing every single thing! Shopaholic set loose. A damned pretty sight, until of course, the bill comes! Meanwhile, I'm happy with a debit card. I cannot go awry with my spending.
Talking about shopping, my Big Brovaz CD is already on its way! I was charged about S$40 for the CD and shipping charges.
This morning, I find myself well-rested and recuperated from the long hours of work over the weekend.
Plus I received a long-awaited call of good news!
Last Thursday, I went down to LaSalle College, the spanking new, mod-looking campus on McNally Street, and applied for the Degree course in Graphic Design. I was told that I was a little late for registration and may not make it in. Not particularly good news, but I just kept positive and was damned hopeful.
I figured I was quite through with mainstream polytechnics and it was due time I enrolled in an art school. I've always wanted to enrol in an art school, but never quite got down to doing it because I was still scared.
I have taken my first bold step when I quitted Biotechnology at Singapore Polytechnic in 2005. Many bold and unorthodox steps followed after that. I was brought closer to my passion, though not quite there yet at the moment.
Despite all my bold steps, I was still a little sceptical and scared. I think societal pressure still affected me a little. There were all the supposedly 'rights' and 'wrongs', 'should' and 'shouldn'ts', etc. I may be a little rebellious at heart, but I still feel that sometimes I have to conform to societal pressure.
Not a good thing to do, I realised.
Therefore I went to apply for LaSalle College. My string of bold steps 'should have' ended when I landed in Nanyang Polytechnic. But why 'should' it end when it doesn't really have to? Taking bold steps means taking control of your life.
Two years ago, I found my direction (design). But had been going in rounds, going nowhere, really. So now's a fantabulous time that I go for the gold and stop beating about the (design) bush.
A lady from LaSalle College Academic Department called me, "I'm sure my colleague Eliza had called to tell you that we have no more vacancy in Graphic Design right?"
Well, no. This was their first call to me. I was elated!
Last Thursday when I went down to the school, I was told that they would get back to me later in the day. I waited the whole freaking day by my phone till I fell asleep. Sought some advice, and was told that I should call these people to check because 'they are lazy'.
On Friday, I was still eagerly waiting for my phone to ring. But no, it didn't. So I called them up instead. The same guy I spoke to the day before told me that the Academic people will get back to me on Monday. Great, extending my anxiety over the weekend. But I assure you, working took care of that anxiety thingy. I was hoping really hard that I could at least land a portfolio interview.
"...students who dropped out...vacancies...make it for a quick portfolio interview on Friday at 3pm?"
"Yeah! That'll be great!"
Basically, I hollered my lungs out and jumped wildly around the house for 3 minutes.
12:47 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Heels and Denim
I saw this photo on a friend's blog, found it hot, so I grabbed it and photoshopped it some more:
That's one truly gorgeous shot, right?
9:08 PM
Wax On, Spray Off
My hair styling products revealed:
Hair wax. Maybe not wax, since they call it hair mud. But really nice to use for short all the way to medium-long hair. Versatility is my favourite trait!
Hair spray. Not the rock-hard, desert-dry type. This is hair wax spray. Specifically formulated to use with hair wax. It's Gatsby, even though I have a problem with the brand. But hey, whatever works, I guess it's fine.
Wax to mould, spray to hould (hold).
8:43 PM
All the Gorgeous People
Last evening, we went to Eng Wah Toa Payoh to watch Transformers!
Not the hottest spot to hang out, but the cinema was very good! Not that I'm biased or anything, but the cinema was really REALLY fantastic!
Plus, for an action-and-effects-packed movie like Transformers, they had like the best sound system lah! The digital screen was awesome too! It was overall very pleasing on the eyes, ears and MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE NECK!
Gorgeous me.
There's this Ah-Beng living in my block, probably about 17 or 18 years old, who always stares at me when we tragically bump into each other. It's not just any blank stare, but an accusing one instead. The worse thing is, his shrewed mother behaves the same way! Okay lah, at least he knows I won't call him a bastard then.
I think, just think only, that he's jealous 'cause I have very nice hair.
Kang Yong and Gorgeous Leila
Leila, Gorgeous Jana and Kang Yong
Kang Yong, Jana and Leila in Gorgeous new light
10:16 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
On Thursday night, met up with secondary schoolmates to catch Harry Potter. It's kinda like tradition that we watch the Harry Potter movies together.
Back in secondary school, the Harry Potter series of books were so hot! The teachers pushed for us to read Harry Potter, saying how fantastic Rowling manipulates the English language and all. But seriously, I think I only read the first book. It was quite early that I realised that reading novels weren't my kind of thing.
Anyways, presently, I think it's Harry Potter HIMSELF that's hot, not the books!
This Order of the Phoenix movie is so adult! They've all kinda grown up, and so did we. I guess that's something we all could probably relate to. When Harry Potter and gang got into Hogwarts, we too, just got into secondary school. And then we all just grew up from there.
I truly pity the kids that so want to watch Harry Potter! I believe they'll be bored stiff! I for one, was a little bored because watching Harry Potter makes me wanna become a kid once more. I'm lazy to have to understand the plot.
The first couple of movies were so easy and enjoyable. But I guess now that Harry and gang are all grown up, they need to exude a certain air of maturity.
Aiyoh! And that kiss between the Chinese chick and Harry Potter... NO TONGUE! Plus that mistletoe just appeared from nowhere! That was as hot as it gets, really. The two didn't really hook up after the kiss. But it was great to see Hermoine getting a little jealous.
And what's up with the movie being so dark? It's so dark and evil. The more I pity all the eagerly anticipating children. But I have to say that they were really effective in creating the mood.
Hui Yi says, "...they focus more on effects..."
Which is VERY true. All these Computer Graphics (CG) shit. The one thing that pisses me off is CG. And that one thing school focuses on IS CG! You know how agitated I get when I talk about Digital Media Design, so I'm not going to go there.
I'm also not going to express my flourishing distaste for CG too. I might get shot.
So we watched Harry Potter at Plaza Singapura. NOT the best cinema to catch a movie.
But we didn't really have a choice. My trusted Eng Wah-Suntec didn't have timings AT ALL. Cathay, too, didn't have timeslots. I told you there were a lot of corporate bookings already eh? So in the end no choice go GV lor.
I tried my first online booking transaction. See? I told you I'm getting the hang of getting things online. It was easy-peasy, if I may say. I booked at home, collected my 'tickets' from an AXS machine, went for the movie.
ZERO interaction with the unfriendly (or so I hear) staff.
Not the best place to catch your favourite flick because the cinema is so ill-designed. Whether you're sitting in front, middle or back, you still gotta crank your head up. Not too comfortable for full 2 hours, EXCLUDING THE FREAKING COMMERCIALS!!!
There was 30 freaking minutes of adverts, after which I was ready to fall asleep.
Plus, the sound system is so horrible. I'm not particularly learned in audio controls and all the frequencies mumbo-jumbo, but I can definitely tell what's good and what's NOT.
Kalis finally gave me my birthday present! My pageONE membership card! But now I'm too broke to buy books lah...
I was griping about her short message on the card, because since we're such good pals, I was kinda expecting an essay, maybe even a novel(!!!).
But as I've said, she's my good pal. She knows I don't like to read. So she kept it short, and really sweet (handwritten using her favourite blue-inked pen).
Too bad Hairianto couldn't make it on that day.
Hairianto, you are sorely missed.
12:43 PM
Long and Tiring Weekend
Weekends are the best because I get to go work! This weekend was really long and really tiring. The company should consider raising our pay during peak movie-going periods like this.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix saw its first weekend and it was hell of a weekend! Full of corporate bookings and with that comes many customers who are REALLY irritating.
I was at the Snack Bar on Saturday cashiering when I got into conflict with an Ah-Lian. It's a really long and boring story behind the whole thing, so I'll just make it short and interesting.
This Ah-Lian actually DOES NOT look like your typical Lian. 20+ years old, still looks quite okay.
First she interrupted me serving another customer. I got fed up and irritated. I bellowed, "Can you wait?!"
She got more fed up and irritated. "WHERE"S YOUR MANAGER?! I WANT TO SEE YOUR MANAGER!"
Then I realised I should just apologize and try to peace things out. But this fucking Lian just sreamed for the manager, while spouting some profanities.
I apologized 3 times; got the manager for her.
This fucking Lian continued to scream at my manager. I just stood by and gave the straight face lor.
Before she went in for her movie, she shrieked, "You should just sack him lah!" while glaring dirtily at me and doing that rude finger-pointing thing.
Then the worse thing happened. She came closer to look at my name-tag, continued to glare at me, AND READ OUT MY NAME, PRONOUNCING IT COMPLETELY WRONG!
If she wanna curse or voodoo me, at least get my name right, correct? I take pride in my name lah!
The fucking Lian actually got what she wanted already, but she had so much ego that she can't take it lying down that I snapped at her. The boyfriend was quite nice though.
She spoiled her own night, while MINE WAS JUST STARTING! =D
I knocked off at 8.00PM and went Haji Lane!
I love Haji Lane!
The sheesha I got was really good! And really cheap too! That's by far the best sheesha I've had.
I was really pooped out after work, but still insist that I wanna go sheesha. I've also been dying to sheesha for a very long time. Thank goodness I got a fabulous sheesha.
But then I really have to admit that we were slightly out of place there because it's kinda ethnic-dominated there. But then again, it's not like I care also, right? I just minded my own business and enjoyed my sheesha lor.
It was my earliest night for the weekend because I was in bed and asleep by 1.00AM.
Friday flitted by just like that. But after closing, four of us colleagues went for supper!
I haven't clubbed for sooooo long, I'm dying for a night of partying. But my mother doesn't like it ar, so I'll probably wait a while before I club again.
Nevertheless, I still stayed out till late over the last few weekends with my EW colleagues. Never club, but it's one supper after another.
Friday night, we went to Simpang Bedok. BECAUSE it was nearer to my place. It's like the main priority is to get me home ASAP, knowing how my mother is so uptight when I stay out at night.
But in the end, it was 2.30AM when we reached Simpang Bedok. Then suddenly, it was 4.00AM!
I think it's really true that time flies when you're having fun.
Last night was Snowballin' Shit Night.
Leila, Jana and I stayed till like 1.00AM at work because Leila was clearing up some messed up stock-taking and account-balancing. Messed up because errors were carried forward a couple of days.
Well, somebody HAD to do the error correcting, right?
Then like an angel from above, Yan arrived with his trusty family van and zoomed us all home at 2.00AM!
I told you it was a long and tiring weekend.
11:09 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
"I Want A Stylish Home" — Pt. 1
I've been reading ish magazines, and they always feature very stylish homes.
I get awestruck every issue.
I'm usually not a bus type of person (everywhere I go, I just take the MRT), but when I do take a bus, it's usually service 14 from my house to Suntec City.
Along the way, from Bedok Road to East Coast road, there is a lot of really nice houses. All the rich folks and their landed property. But seriously, some houses are damned nice! They range from looking all tropical and warm to being sleek and modern.
I'm so jealous.
I'd love for my own penthouse to have a modern-vintage fusion feel. Here are some photos of vintage tiles.
P.S. I make it a point to post photos that I take. It is not fair to grab photos off the Net and plonk it into your blog entry. The law I stand by most firmly is the copyright law. If it's not your image, and you use it without permission, you infringe the copyright law. ALWAYS POST PICTURES THAT ARE ORIGINAL!
P.S.2. I also make it a point not to post pictures of other people, unless of course, you ask for permission from these people. If you really have to post pictures of other people, like your friends, at least make sure they're looking their best. GO LEARN BASIC PHOTOSHOP TECHNIQUES!
Here are MY photos of vintage tiles:
Very Middle Eastern tiles. I've seen in in Malay homes. Very cosy and warm.
Just very vintage floor tiles, I guess. Nice texture and quite durable.
I love these! Got this rustic look to it. With the faux aged stone look complete with faux cracks.
Aiyoh! These... These are just vintage lor. Look at the desaturated colour. But it kinda grows on you.
Hmm... These.... Yellow and green don't actually go together. But these tiles really look quite good eh? Inject a certain element of surprise.
10:03 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Ant Bait Update
I've set all three ant baits.
This morning, much to my dismay, didn't really find any ants around the baits. However, there were still ants on the kitchen table.
They were feeding off this French loaf! F***!!! I so wanted to have the bread for breakfast! It's this ultra delectable French loaf from Bedok Central that my mother bought last night. What ill fortune!
So I turned on my built-in ant radar and started to scan for these dreadful but really resourceful f***ers.
So far, I have noted 3 different species of ants. Thankfully, they're quite site-specific. Thankfully, I have 3 baits too!
I realised that I had to bait them at more strategic locations. So I relocated 2 of the ant baits.
Earlier on, I checked on my baits again. I cannot believe that I'm actually happy to see frantic ant trails! This time, I decided not to smother them with powder like I always do.
With a sinister laugh, I bellowed at the freaking creatures:
10:30 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
All the Char Bor Stuff and Pest-Busting
So... LA.GA bags are designed for char bors actually! Today I was holding my LA.GA bag in my hand, and I realised how slender it was. The shape of the bag is totally char bor lah! It looks really hot if a girl carries it on her shoulder. As a result, the girl will ALSO look hot.
But it's not like I care lah. I still brought it out on a test-drive today. Haha!.. Of course, I DID NOT carry it on my shoulder. Guys with tote is still something I CANNOT take in without feeling bad.
Anyways, I'd like to say that my LA.GA bag is nice to carry, perfect size for me, looks proportionate to my body frame, CAN withstand rough handling and has plenty of room for me to chuck in all my shopping bounty.
Last night, my mother asked, "Tomorrow morning you just help me to anyhow mop the floor first, can?"
I replied, "Wah lau, anyhow mop might as well don't mop at all right. Want to mop then must mop properly what."
"Okay, so you help me to mop the floor properly tomorrow,"
Hence this morning, I spent around 2 HOURS (!!!) sweeping then mopping the floor. It took such a long time because I was REALLY doing it PROPERLY. It's times like this that I feel that my 3-room flat is really big.
It took such a long time also because I had to get a lot of stuff off from the floor before I can sweep or mop it, right? There's just so many things lying everywhere on the floor.
I started with the kitchen first. Got all my equipment ready, including wearing my new pair of raw denim 'cause I need to get it seasoned before I can fade it myself. I'll talk about that some other time.
Just when I started to sweep the kitchen floor, I found a FREAKING ANT TRAIL. I have a hate/fear relationship with ants!
I rushed to get talcum powder from the bathroom and angrily fogged the ant trail with the powder. The powder is from Palmolive, Aroma Therapy series, with 'pure essential oils of lavender, ylang ylang and patchouli', supposed to 'relieve your senses', labelled 'ANTI-STRESS'. So ironic right?!
Got so agitated, but continued sweeping another section of the kitchen. Then...
Same thing with the anti-stress powder lor.
There is an ant problem at home. And I'll take care of it.
I went to get ant poison.
7:58 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Stepping Into Wooonderland
Sigh! It's Monday again, whether I like it or not.
It could be a really blasphemous Monday though. Once again, Monday's the day for drawing class! Because there is a focus on drapery, today's drawing topic is 'Historical Female Costume'. Think Greek godesses, French princesses and Egyptian empresses.
We were supposed to bring photo references to class. Somehow I just ended up with a rather holy photo of 'Our Lady'.
The female model poses, we draw what we see. Then, we 'dress up' our model with our choice historical costume.
And then I realised that it was getting rather blasphemous. I was kinda relieved that I only had to do one blasphemous drawing. Then the lecturer dropped the bomb by saying that there was going to be one more pose.
It's kinda imcomplete, my drawings, 'cause we really didn't have much time. Plus I was having a little trouble visualising how the fabric would drape. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun. The lecturer was quite happy with my work. She enthusiastically told me to finish the drawing at home. Blasphemy!
On another note, I stepped into Wooonderland today!
Very good branding campaign. I hate it when shops scrimp on printing labels. The Woonderland label is really well-printed and the logo is simply orgasmic in terms of design! That's really hot!!
I finally got my second pair of jeans from Dr Denim Jeansmakers!
Then I decided to throw it a LA.GA bag too! LA.GA bags are one-of-a-kind! It's an instant hit on me!
Made from a plasticky material, although it really feels like paper. Ultra durable and ultra hardy, simply perfect for rough handlers like me.
More on LA.GA bags>>
9:55 PM
Of Gong-gongs, Chut-chuts and La-las
Live Earth on 07/07/07. Global movement against global warming.
I switched on the TV this morning (technically yesterday morning) to some orchestra playing very worldly music. All for a good cause! I so totally support the Live Earth movement. I did what anyone who cared about global warming would do:
I switched off the TV.
Live Earth on 07/07/07. I was having fun working at the cinema.
After closing time, around 3am, a small group of us went to Lau Pa Sat for supper! Gong-gongs!
I love gong-gongs! You eat it with sambal belachan and it's like the best! We had chut-chut, la-la and mussels, too! It was said that we were testing our bodies' immunity against Hepatatis B. Obviously we were so asking for it lah.
But because we were out for supper only, I had a much easier time telling my mother that I was gonna stay out till late. She doesn't exactly condone nightlife.
In the end, I reached home at 5.30am. Very thankful and appreciative because it's so fabulous to have someone that can fetch us home during late nights.
Later that morning, I was rudely interrupted from my brief stint in dreamland by the sound of thumping bass. You know how bass beats can penetrate walls and doors, right? Thereafter, I was feeling damned tired, but completely unable to fall asleep again.
Then in the afternoon, it's back to work again. A colleague leaving us for NS soon. It was suggested that we should get together for supper.
However, after a spate of paitaos, it came down to a similar small Lau Pa Sat group of people from the day before. The get together became The Second Supper instead. However, this time, we went to Newton Circus! Gong-gongs!
I love gong-gongs! You eat it with sambal belachan and it's like the best! We had chut-chut, sotong, stingray and tom yum soup, too! It was said that we were very hungry. Obviously, we WERE really hungry.
But because we were out for supper only, I had a much easier time telling my mother that I was gonna stay out till late AGAIN. She doesn't exactly condone nightlife.
So now I'm back at home. Very thankful and appreciative because it's so fabulous to have someone that can fetch us home during late nights. F*** cab fares!
I can already imagine The Third Supper! Gong-gongs!
2:40 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007
Eating My Words
I said before that I would be create a new look for The Nu Flow. But I changed my mind already. Too much of a hassle. Plus I see no major fault in the current look. In fact, it's growing on me. My obsession with greys...
I'll perhaps do some minor changes here and there, but the overall feel is here to stay.
I also said something about switching hosts. Well, Blogger's been really friendly to me so far, so I'll probably stay with it. I think it's obvious through my entries that I love to post pictures, right?
During my pre-Revival blogging days, I used to dread posting pictures so much because Blogger would just hang and crash the whole computer. But now, hehehe!... I'm having so much fun uploading photos because Blogger is so clever and efficient!
Clever and efficient just like my MacBook. It's true. Mac users often hold high praises for their machines. Once you're down the Mac road, I'm telling you, there's just NO TURNING BACK...
10:24 AM
Shipment VS Delivery
I think I kinda made a mistake saying my CD will arrive in two weeks. Because after reading carefully the confirmation E-mail, I realised:
Shipment takes approximately 2 weeks, THEN actual delivery approximately another 2. So I'll have to patient until then. But seriously, shipment and delivery, what's the difference?
I believe I can definitely get used to shopping online.
10:16 AM
I Love Myself
These days, basically feeling down in general. Earlier this evening, Kalis SMS-ed her regards after she read the depressing entries.
But I'm damned sure there are more entries that are on a happier note right?
Anyways, today didn't go by too well, but TONIGHT, things definitely looked up much more.
I was online, as would an online addict, then I ordered a CD! Big Brovaz's "Re-Entry". UK R&B collective. Hot in UK, cold in Singapore. I couldn't find the CD anywhere and have bugged the local HMV people for quite some time now. But still no CD leh.
So I went to Amazon.com, found my "Re-Entry" album, and placed an order! Well, it's only natural that I do, don't you think? It all adds up to around S$50. Arrives in a couple of weeks or less. I'm SO EXCITED!
It's my first ever online shopping transaction and I'm so enthused!
Actually, the first thing that happened tonight that lifted my spirits was in the mailbox. Not E-mail Inbox, but home mailbox. It was, believe or not, an M1 BROADBAND BILL. Ya, I know lah, who seriously looks forward to receiving the monthly bill and still can be so happy?
Jana found it weird too. Anyways, it's only because this bill is addressed to yours truly. It's gratifying to finally get a bill that was mine and mine only, and not addressed to my mother or someone else.
Then because I was feeling so good, I decided to reward myself by doing up a fantabulous wallpaper for my MacBook. This way, I would constantly feel good by simply looking at my wallpaper. I took the opportunity to throw it a few self-praise adjectives.
That's really hot eh? I love the greys! So stylo! Plus it complements the blog design. It's like I'm really good at this eh?
Come one people, self-praise is really NO PRAISE AT ALL, unless of course, YOU'RE ME!
12:19 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Online Addict
Without a computer, I would have died. But now with a computer, why do I still feel like I'm dying?
I think I'm fast becoming an online addict. Time simply whiz by when I'm online. And then before I know it, they day is gone, I've missed my lunch AND breakfast.
Now I see the perils of the WWW. It's addictive. It sucks your soul. It drains you of energy. It's a curse!
Then again, it could be up to me to change things for the better. Let's talk about time management. I believe I have atrocious time management skills. But how you gonna define GOOD time management skills then?
I suppose my way of doing things is more intuitive, rather than systematic. I'm not too sure if it's a good or bad thing. Because intuitive behaviour sometimes hinge on being impulsive too. And some people think that my way of doing things is incompetent. Well, it has been said that one of the habits of incompetent people is intuitive/impulsive behaviour.
Well, take that with a pinch of salt, eh. I definitely would not see myself as incompetent. Maybe I seek the easy way out many a time. Maybe I don't take things too seriously. Maybe I'm kinda inefficient. Maybe...
A hell lot of maybes. I hate it when I'm at this kind of dilemma. Trying to figure things out, yet there are like a gazillion things jumping into your face. Hairianto says it's yet another passing phase.
But seriously, how many of such phases are there? This game of life thing is getting really dreary. It's like constant internal battle. You say one thing, the mind says another, the heart still got cheek to chip it something, and it all becomes a mess. Tangled in a web of reason; the more you struggle, the more tangled you get.
F*** school.
9:29 AM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Mmm!-ilo Ice-Cream
You all know how Milo is such a popular beverage. People like it hot AND cold. And we all kinda grow up drinking Milo. Well, maybe not you, but I sure did grow up having Milo for breakfast, though now I'd rather have jasmine green tea.
Then, as an ice-cream lover, I've never really seen Milo ice-cream in stores.
Hence, as a create-ive person, what I can't get, I CREATE.
You'll need:
1. Milo powder
2. Evaporated milk (Usually my mother just calls it Carnation milk 'cause it's got this red carnation on the label)
Okay, let's make ice-cream!
1. Mix Milo powder with evaporated milk. Lotsa powder, less of milk.
2. Stir and mix well.
3. Achieve an even consistency. You're looking for the melted ice-cream look. If you're really dumb, buy some cheap ice-cream, let it melt. And your Milo and milk mixture should look and feel more or less the same.
4. Let mixture sit in freezer, stirring occasionally.
5. Agak the timing yourself, depending on amount of mixture.
Eh voila! Milo ice-cream! It tastes like heaven, seriously. Ice-cream lovers can't go wrong with this. For me, I like my ice-cream chunky, with like nuts and stuff. Probably mix in some roughly crushed nuts and it'll be even more perfect!
I find it a little too rich in taste though. I tried adding a little fresh milk to it, but it dilutes the mixture and comes out of the freezer hard as rock. Suggestions?
P.S. The photo damned hot, right?! Like out of a travel guide eh?
7:45 PM
The Kitchen Window
Occasionally I look out of my kitchen window only to find an alluring view of pretty cloud formations.
Or there's always the colours of the setting sun, if you're not too into clouds. The blend of orange and blue at dusk is perfect! So romantic, even though it's always just me alone at the window sill.
I would say the nicest spot at home would be by the kitchen window. It's nice to look at the neighbourhood from an aerial perspective. And then just think about this and that, you know.
But most of the time I'm just enjoying the sight. It's very calming to just look at the clouds, passing vehicles and moving people.
Oh, and there are two trees just right in front that house a gazillion mynahs, which will flock in during dusk. It's really amazing how one tree can accommodate so many mynahs!
I remember when I first moved in, which was at least 10 years ago, the incessant chirping of trees full of mynahs during dawn and dusk was almost unbearable. But I just kinda got used to it. In fact, now I think that the chirping brings much life to the neighbourhood.
I also remember feeding pigeons from my twelfth storey kitchen window. You know, I just leave like a piece of bread or something and pigoens will just come and peck at it. It's actually quite gross to be so close to pigeons.
There was one rainy day when I came home from school or something, then I discovered a drenched pigeon perched on a bamboo pole in the kitchen! I was damned frantic at the time! A drenched pigeon leh! How disgusting is that?
It's also really fun to hurl things out of the kitchen window sometimes. See the object fall twelve storeys down. Very interesting what. I used to time how long it took for something to reach the ground.
I know, killer litter. But it's not like I hurl flower pots or anything. Simply for fun, I have thrown slices of bread, wedges of watermelon, and other soft fruits out of the window. Organic stuff only. They need to be degradable once they reach the grass patch on ground floor.
Furthermore, the cats, crows, pigeons and mynahs in the neighbourhood eats all the stuff that I throw out anyways. It's gratifying to see cats rushing out from below the block to check out whatever's landed on the grass patch.
And the watermelon! When I hear watermelon, I instantaneously think of mynahs. Don't mynahs love watermelons? So I'll usually take a couple of bites of my slice of watermelon and then hurl it into one of the trees. Tried and tested, the wedge of melon never reaches the grass patch, but gets stuck in the tree. All the better for the mynahs, don't you think?
Voila! The Kitchen Window.
4:34 PM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Nice and Ornamental
Recently, got into the craze for ornamental design.
And perfect on timing, Hairianto asks me for a pair of shoes on which he'd like to see more brown-ness.
Give me ideas like that, and I'll start generating visuals in my head. Sometimes it's just impossible to put in on paper.
And that, I think is the biggest problem I might have in school. Sometimes I just cannot get anything out on paper for the lecturers to see.
A lecturer told me last semester, "You really have to sketch your ideas, we're not psychic, we cannot read your mind... Most of the time if there are no sketches the final output will be really bad."

My first lantern frame! I've been wanting to make one of these 3D star lamps for a long time. Used 30 over pieces of satay sticks and lotsa masking tape.
I referenced it from a craft book, which told to use willow sticks. So exotic- sounding.
But the satay sticks works perfectly well too. And very the local! =D
But I haven't the 'fairy lights' yet. Exotic right?! Seriously, what are fairy lights? I've no idea.
I'll probably just get a normal light bulb or something. Then I'll cover it up with rice paper and my star lamp will be complete.
The only thing is, it'll probably look too good for my home.

And a T-shirt I did for a friend. Really nice and ornamental.
I thoroughly enjoyed painting on the T-shirt with a fine brush.
And the colour! I cannot be more happy with the colour. It gives me the sense of achievement when I mix to get the perfect colour.
My colour perception is kinda instinctive and intuitive. Therefore sometimes I totally nail it and at times I just completely screw it up.
4:09 PM
Monday, July 02, 2007
The Great Depression
Very unfortunately, I find myself very depressed again.
Today, I went to school for drawing class. It was very liberating. Nothing like a good drawing session to free up from the evils of the world.
It's really sad that the drawing class had to end. I felt so good during the two hours. Before class started, I was feeling a little off. But when I got down to drawing, all the bad emotions kinda just dissipated. I really liked that feeling. Then the drawing class ended and, very much on cue, the bad emotions came flooding back.
That's exactly how school makes me feel. It's not what I do there, but just simply the fact that I AM there. As I've said, school is a curse to me. I've tried to be good, but it's just so depressing whenever I try.
Working at the cinema, that's liberating for me too. It's a pity that I only get to work during the weekends. That's one great reason why I so look forward to weekends. Weekends are like the end of The Darkness. It's when I feel safe and secure. It's when I'm confident and strong.
Come Sunday night, things just appear bleak, knowing that The Darkness awaits the following day.
Just at this moment when I'm feeling hopeless, my iTunes shuffled to this song titled, 'Hope'.
"...I know it ain't easy, but that's okay, 'cos we're hopeful..."
10:00 PM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Christina Aguilera Back to Basics Tour
Hairianto got the S$350 tix to watch his favourite singer live at the Indoor Stadium.
"...what you hear on CDs, is what you hear live, maybe even better!..."
"...pitch perfect the whole time...not a single off-key throughout..."
"...it's not enough...should have been longer..."
4:58 AM
"We'll be following very closely to the book for the lessons,"
So says the Web Design lecturer.
In actuality, it's 'I' who follows closely to the book and not 'WE'.
The lecturer nagged constantly as though we were primary school kids, "You gotta buy the Dreamweaver book by week 6 because WE will be following very closely to the topics in the book,"
So fine, I got the Dreamweaver 8 textbook, partly because I like to buy books and partly 'cause they instructed to do so. All right, so I attend tutorial, hoping to learn new tricks from the lecturers on designing for the Web. Quite ethused, thinking that finally I was gonna learn something new.
Remember, 'WE' were going to follow closely to the topics in the textbook.
I still can remember the first Dreamweaver lesson around 4 weeks back. The lecturer gave a brief intro to the Dreamweaver interface. BY READING WHAT WAS IN THE TEXTBOOK. Consequently, she said, "Okay, so you'll read through chapters one to three on your own, and we'll go on to chapter four."
Wow, 'WE' sure were following REAL closely to the book. She followed on, "All right, so you go through the exercises in the book, any questions, feel free to ask,"
Yeah! 'WE' were having lotsa fun going through the exercises in the textbook! 'WE' were learning SO MUCH from one another!
On the lesson two weeks back, the lecturer instructed, "Be sure to go through chapters 8 and 9 ON YOUR OWN, as there'll be a Dreamweaver test when you come back from your break,"
Before that, we had totally skipped chapters 6 and 7. I know you're expecting me to say this, so I'm gonna say it: Damn right! 'WE' were definitely following CLOSELY to the topics in the textbook!
And it just doesn't help that one of the two lecturers IS A COMPLETE BITCH! I have no idea what's wrong with her, but the way she talks to students, it's as though she's damned unwilling to help. She always speaks in an accusing tone, like your always in the wrong. Sounds damned impatient too. She thinks she's all that. For this, I kinda shot dirty glances at her. I always give her the frown.
I think the way I'm sending my messages is quite effective because she never ever checks on me. She'll always just glance over and I'll just give the don't-you-dare-step-on-my-tail look. And she gets it! =D
So back to their bullshit on 'WE' following closely to the book. Whole load of bullshit lah! All the misleading statements that includes 'WE'. So far, it's never 'WE', only 'I'. It's a module for show only. Because seriously, everything can just be self-taught. With the textbook, with the software, with the Internet, I don't see why anyone can't teach themselves.
Perhaps the lecturers are well aware of these facts and try to make themselves feel better by saying the things they say. I mean, who can bear the thought of themselves being just items on display?
I shall stop here. Getting a little too offensive.
Or maybe not.
4:17 AM