Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Smell Of Incense

I went over to help my Uncle Ong after Aunty Sandy called me, saying that they were experiencing difficulty with their Internet connection.

Frankly, I'm kinda the last person that anyone would ask for help on Internet troubleshooting. But they still asked me for help. I guess as compared to someone of the older generation, I am considered quite tech savvy lah, huh.

When Uncle Ong saw me type on the keyboard, he was incredulous that the letters simply flowed on the screen. But regarding their Internet connection, I couldn't really help them with it. I'm still not too proficient when it comes to all these ISP-related stuff.

Did you know that a while back, I did not know what 'ISP' stands for?

I had to ask Sofian, who kindly expanded the abbreviation for me. Another abbreviation that intrigued me was 'RSVP'. I knew that it was a French phrase, but just didn't know what the phrase was. Well, until I asked Sofian again, since he's such a linguistic person.

When I came back home from the neighbours' house, the smell of incense shot straight up my nostrils. I hate the incense smoke! It chokes me! It's as though I'm drowning in air.

It was very strange because my mother's not home and I don't offer incense at the altar. Yet, I checked the altar and there was indeed the coil incense burning. I have no idea why my brother would want to offer incense at the altar. Very strange and suspicious behaviour.

I don't know why I even did it, but I tampered with HTML codes today. Bloody hell, web design is like fuck okay. I think with Dreamweaver things get much easier, but still complicated. So I just used one of the default templates on Blogger and did minor adjustments.

I got really sick of the old one. Decided to go for something new.

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