Sunday, November 13, 2005

Life Anew

So yesterday is over. And boy, aren't I glad.

I knew today was gonna be fun the moment I opened my eyes from my deep and sweet sleep. Well, but of course! Since when have I not enjoyed the smell of fresh popcorn popping and the joy of preparing hotdogs and drinks and nachos for people?

Blogosphere Under Siege

In the recent weeks, the blogosphere has been scrutinised by the local press. What had been a virtual land has evolved into reality as contents from the blogosphere are unscrupulously scrutinised word for word, sometimes picture for picture. It's the blogosphere for goodness' sake! BLOGOSPHERE!

It's a place where the alter-ego of most people rule. It is a place where people can become who they're not. It's a form of escapism. And now it's become the hot topic of the local papers. Seriously, news these days bore me. Real news kinda ceased to exist.

Anyways, the whole blogging thing is way way WAY overhyped and overrated. Especially XiaXue's entries on disabled people. If you're so not comfortable with her way of putting things, then get you're eyes off the blog site! If you're so against blogging, why bother to surf blogs?! All the hoo-haa on being politically incorrect is driving people nuts. Cut some slack lah!

Then today, another blog issue was splashed over the cover of a tabloid-sized local paper. On how a primary school teacher was posting undesirable content on her blog. And then there was all the politically correct stuff major organizations suggest should be done. That's so boring. Being a teacher doesn't mean you'd have to be all goody-two-shoes even when you're off the job. Of course, being a teacher means being a role model to the younger generation, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!!!

Sickening eh? I feel as though I'm in line to be blasted with nasty comments by the public, together with many other Bloggers.

Oh yes, the most hilarious thing is, 'Big Brother' could be laying down some blogging guidelines, maybe even laws. Okay, let me be a law-abiding citizen and observe all rules and regulations set by 'Big Brother' with all due respect.

With that, I shut up.

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