Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's a psycho world

I'm so happy that there's really nothing eventful to note. All that angst and anxiety is nullified, so everything's all nice and calm.

Hey, I just read a book. Titled Psycho by Robert Bloch. It had been made into a film too.

It's an incredibly thin book, cos it's not a novel. I hate novels. All long and draggy and they come at least 2 to 3 inches thick. Not at all handy to lug around.

Anyways, I love the book, cos I finished reading it in 3 days. And it was as though I was watching a movie instead. Very gripping. My soul was sucked into the book. About this psycho motel proprietor murdering his guests. I like the storyline too. Very simple, always straight to the point. And there wasn't a lot of characters to deal with too. That means there wasn't that many scenes to flit around to, which spared me the dreadful confusion.

I hate to be confused. I hate complication. Everything is best left simple and cool. Save all the trouble of understanding, reduce chances of people going insane too. I'm so sicked out when I see people on the verge of becoming mildly crazy. There's really no need for it. So of course, I'm all nice and smiley.

And what's the big deal on cockroaches now? I agree they're gross, and so does a song on cockroaches.

It's so freaky to see some cheap animation flashing before your eyes while a completely wacky and silly song plays. Actually, I'd feel pretty insulted as a human. That cockroach song is very disturbing, very psychotic and very silly. It could very well be the Torture Tool of the Century. Drive people insane cos they'll go crazy figuring out why someone in the right mind would wanna come up with something like that. Then they reason that it's insane people that came up with the sick idea and go on to wonder why sick people exist. So they wonder and ponder and try to figure and their souls get lost and they go criminally insane. And they pass their insanity on. Before you know it, everyone's gone crazy.

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