Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I Hate First Days At Work

First day at work today. I would say that it kinda sucked because I can't really said that it was good.

Based on first impressions, the staff aren't all that friendly, they don't really value good customer service, they expect too much from me and they don't help me enough.

I felt like an outcast on two accounts, both of which I will not speak of, since it's kinda sensitive and personal. I really do not enjoy the whole trying-to-gain-acceptance game. It's childish and pointless. So I'm just going to be the friendly and outgoing me, whether they like it or not. I'm here, I'm here, get used to it.

I was assigned to the box office, which I feel is an apt allocation. I have the face, I have the hair, I have my hot buns, and I have the attitude. Sorry I had to put myself on such a high pedestal, but just take it with a pinch of salt, yeah?

I seemed exceptionally high up because I had my freaking pants high up on my waist, giving the illusion of never-ending legs. I seriously could get used to the high-waisted-ness of the pants though. I don't mind having long legs 'cause, like a certain appendage, there is no such thing as 'too long'.

The waistband of my pants went up my body 3-fucking-inches, all right?! That's how much length I added to my legs and how much length I freaking deducted from my body!

When I met up with the lepak group of friends later, there was a soft wave of chuckles and sniggers. But I couldn't help it, the pants either went on the waist or the hips. No pants can ever sit within that 3-inch space between the waist and hip. It was either or. And I absolutely had NO CHOICE but to wear my pants high-waisted, all right?

The pants thing became a non-issue after that because they were all busy checking out my ass, which made me self-conscious! But what harm could a little attention to the gluteus do?

So at the box office, I was attached to this other girl, whom the other counter staff said was the best employee or something, somewhat the managers' pet. One word: Questionable.

I do not respond well to lectures. I do not absorb information by verbal delivery. I absorb information really well if I experience it first-hand. I'm just a hands-on person. I need to learn on the job. And I can't help but feel apologetic for appearing uninterested and distant when my trainer was giving me her so-they-say wise words.

She had asked, “Eh, I talk so much you never write down, you sure can remember or not?”

Hmm... Wrong approach on me. And from what I hear, the managers are expecting a lot. Maybe a little too much. I may have cinema ops experience, but it doesn't mean I don't need time to adjust to the ticketing system, right?

I was specifically instructed 'not to touch anything, just watch'. Oops, I can't touch, I can't feel, hence I can't learn. It's one thing to see, whole other thing to do. I'm very anal when it comes to these things. I like it my way.

And why can't people be more helpful and empathetic? Tsk...

It's okay, the first day will not bring me down. It may be kinda awkward while I get used to things, but at least I get to show off my ass in those high-waisted dress pants, don't I?


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