In case you don't already know, my birthday falls on 18 May, which was yesterday.
The very first 'surprise' I got for my birthday happened within the first hour after the clock struck 12 on Saturday night.
I was at work, doing my closing after an ultra long day at the box office. I had a shitload of receipts, vouchers and money. So, I tried to be as quick as possible in doing my closing procedures, so the manager could round up my counter sales.
It was obvious something was not right when the manager was closing my account. Dang, I knew for sure that it had been a bad day. I was short of S$30.60.
SHORT! KNNBCCB! Shortage leh! Of all my previous ticketing experience, I'm 99.99% of the time exact! And for two weeks on the new job, my account had been pretty much exact, up until my birthday night.
What a fucking nice surprise. That's 30 bucks off from my first pay check, which I haven't even received. Damned bastard lah... But I guess if I don't feel the pinch, I won't really value my pay check then, would I?
And come to think of it, it is hugely unfair that I have to fork out the shortage because I wasn't the only one who handled the counter. Yes, it was under my BIG name, but the fact that there were other people who handled the counter, I, rightfully, cannot be held fully responsible for the shortage, right?
But nah, I'm not gonna be petty and bitchy to the manager. I'm going to let this pass as well.
I guess it's just too bad for me that the shortage occurred. In black and white, the sales account is in my name. And because we love being square and love to do things by the book, we just gotta dock the birthday boy's pay, don't we?
Talking about doing things by the book, don't you just hate paperwork?!
Okay. Scenario: Guy comes up to counter. Guy leaves counter. He leaves behind cardholder. Another guy comes up to counter. He notices cardholder. He hands it over to me. I check the cardholder. I keep cardholder at the counter at hand.
My ideal follow-up scenario: Guy returns to counter. Guy asks for lost cardholder. Guy describes cardholder. I return cardholder to guy with a smile.
The actual follow-up scenario: Colleague takes cardholder. He files cardholder as lost item. He fills up a form. He passes cardholder to manager. Manager keeps cardholder in safe. Guy returns to counter. Guy asks for cardholder. Guy describes cardholder. I go into office asking for cardholder. Colleague happens to be out. I am clueless. I ask Guy to wait. Colleague returns. Colleague is clueless. Colleague finds manager. Manager happens to be out. I ask Guy to wait. Guy waits. And waits. And waits. Manager returns. Colleague lugs out huge file of papers. Colleague talks to guy. Colleague goes into office. Guy waits. And waits. And waits. Colleague flits about. Guy waits. Colleague returns. Colleague returns cardholder to Guy.
Thanks eh, for the paperwork.
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