Seriously, what is up with the Paper Clip Gang?! (Let's just abbreviate and call them PCG, okay?)
The same teenage boy stopped me the first time outside Bugis Junction and another time at Bedok Interchange. Nabeh, they damned comprehensive ar...
The third time a PCG member stopped me was outside TheCathay.
The very first time I kena the PCG, I was patient, partly 'cause I was curious. From what I gather, the PCG is a group of students doing entrepreneurship, and the street-selling is supposed to train them in being persuasive salespeople with good communication skills. Riiiiiiiight.
I guess they really have to pull all the stops in being persuasive, since what they're selling are paper clips. But those aren't just normal paper clips, okay. The PCG, so to quote, “put in effort to fold the paper clips into heart shapes”. Paper clips are mundane whereas heart-shaped paper clips are novelties.
The most ridiculous thing the PCG member told me was: “If we dun sell finish then cannot graduate,”
Actually, if I were him, then I'd just fork out 100 bucks, chuck the paper clips, return to 'entrepreneur school' with the money, and fucking graduate. Correct, anot?
I replied my subsequent PCG encounters with disinterested but polite waves of hand.
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