Checked into a chalet last weekend with my second aunt and cousin Sheryl. First we went grocery shopping at Sheng Shiong at Bedok Central.

The middle of one of the nights. I stayed up for a lot of the nights, I kinda lost the sense of time. There wasn't a distinct Friday, Saturday nor Sunday. It made me realise the fluidity of time.
I was working on a mini-project for Kalis. I was making a simple typographic image for her birthday gift. Since she turns twenty, it's no longer teenage years for her.
A while ago, I mindmapped for a bit and thought a witty tag line would be quite interesting. So I came up with 'Did You Leave Your Teens Behind?' It was all kinda random, but when it hit me, I felt I should very much stick to it.

You know, a simple typo-image like that, anyone can simply go straight to the computer and type it in, blow it up and print it out in 2 flat hours. But I took a leisure pace of 2 weeks for everything!
First off, it was important to be sincere. The computer tends to make things a little mundane, rushed and somewhat unthoughtful.
Second, I enjoy tracing letters, fiddling with a copier, and slicing paper.
The whole process was manual. I hand-traced individual letters to form words, blew the image up on a copier, then sliced every single letter out of coloured paper and eventually sticking down the individual letters on the A2 art card.
So it was full of MY enthusiasm, MY effort and MY sincerity.

Yeah, an easel to a picnic! I just had this crazy thought that we had to have a banner of sorts. So in the end I came up with the frame idea.
So we set up on the lawn while I told Kalis she should just wait at the gate. Then when该上的都上,该下的都下(meaning everything in place), I told her to walk in, edge the Swan Lake, and she will not for her life miss seeing us.
We were one of the few picnics on the vast open lawn. There was no way she could miss us. Plus I had the sign up with the slogan screaming out into the open. Even if she didn't see us, she would have seen the frame.

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