The dissolution part is so true!
Remember my resolution to get a job? Apparently it dissolved already. I feel way too lazy to work. Basically I just feel like rotting away into the soil.
Freitag suggests getting one of their bags as your sporting gear to increase enthusiasm and commitment towards working out regularly. Haha!... I'm so falling for it...
Last night, I went for supper with cousins Kex and Hong. Then we kinda got chatting and Kex asked one of those psychological questions:
Kex: You're walking in the desert and you see a Rubix cube. Is it far or near?
Me: Far.
Kex: Is the Rubix cube small or big?
Me: Small.
Kex: Is the Rubix cube neat or messy?
Me: Messy.
Kex: Is the cube opaque, translucent or transparent?
Me: Opaque.
Or something like that. I forgot what the far/near thing was about. But anyways, seeing a small Rubix cube implied that I have a small ego. A messed up cube suggests an internal turmoil of the mind. Opacity of the cube relates to how well we let people see through us. Apparently people just don't see through me.
So anyways, that was just pretty random.
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