Friday, April 25, 2008

The Things I Record In My Journal

As creative entities, we take much pride in keeping journals. I, personally, put my journal on a pedestal. A creative journal is highly personal. We do not like people snooping through our journals. We record our thoughts, our observations, or inspirations, etc.

There can be extremely creative content in a journal, yet there can be downright stupid stuff too! I personally like to record stupid stuff. Especially during note-taking in lectures. Lecturers say the funniest things some times.

The excerpts from my journal that I'm sharing now date back to early 2006, when I was in Nanyang Polytechnic. I really only stayed a year there, doing Digital Media Design. Bleargh! I hated it.

So there's this Web Design lecturer, let's call her Pam, who I found to be particularly annoying at first, then became more endearing later on in the semester.

For some reason, she nagged a lot. And she wasn't exactly auntie-material, you know. I didn't know where her stamina to nag and deliver pep talks came from. I did a quick sketch of her from the back of the lecture theatre and it turned out looking pretty accurate.

And she cannot enunciate properly for nuts! It was kinda excruciating to listen to her bad enunciation, so to make myself feel better, I had to put it down on paper. The 'librarieees', 'prop-ly's, 'ex-peck's and 'suspen-dird's.

“...80% to think, think and think. Don't just do, do, do...”

The thing about lecturers in polytechnics, they think they're all that. [As opposed to students in art schools(see: me) who think they're all that.] So back in my NYP days, there was a bit of an ego clash, weren't there? With the lecturer(s) and me thinking we're all that.

So Pam gave her two cents worth on how we can produce good, quality work, by saying we should think more than we do. Riiiiiiight. I cannot necessarily agree with that.

OH MY EFFING GAWD! For the finale, the strangest, queerest, most eyebrow-raising 'advice' Pam ever gave:

“Do not be a chicken; neither be a cock,”

OMG, that is so classic, don't you think?

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