Friday, December 09, 2005

I've really got to say this: Time flies.

It's so cliche, but I just feel that I gotta get it off my chest. You must be nodding earnestly in total agreement. No? Come on, I know you're nodding in one way or another... ADMIT IT!!!

The group of us were talking crap then one guy said, "...we've only known each other for 6 months."

6 months? 6 months in Poly? Gotta be kidding right? How's it possible?! (disbelief)


It's just so fast. Now the year's coming to an end. This year's really funny, feels odd. It feels like I've been to Hell and back. It's been a ride. Every year's a ride. This year's no exception. The only difference is that the ride this year has been very eventful and exciting. So many things have happened. It feel kinda long and dreary, but short and sweet at the same time. See? I told you it's odd! It's so strange.

Then in no time I'll be in Year 2. Or if I decide for some change, then I'll be a freshie all over again. Hmm... Gives you and I something to think about. I'm just so loving SP. Great choice! I don't mind being a freshie time and time again. I like the feeling.

Life's great for me. This year's been great. I've been great. The people's been great. The stuff's been great. And guess what? That's how thing's are gonna be for the time to come...

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